Install Free Ssl On Bluehost Vps


Bluehost now provides free free SSL certificates for all WordPress sites. This article describes how to activate the free SSL for a WordPress site. Purchasing or Renewing SSL certificates How to renew an existing SSL certificate-or purchase a new one, within your cPanel. Related Help Content How to Download your SSL Certificate This article.

This article will show you how to use your WildCard SSL Certificate, on your Bluehost hosting account, using mod_rewrite. This is required due to a limitation in WHM that only allows there to be one virtualhost entry.

Folder Structure

The subdomain must be assigned to a folder that is underneath the folder its parent domain is assigned to. Because of the way subdomains are assigned, it's easy for a subdomain to not be put inside the parent domains folder. You will need to reassign the domain to a folder under the parent domain in this situation.
Example: Say you have a wildcard SSL certificate for is assigned to the public_html folder. I want to use my certificate on In this case should be assigned to public_html/sub/ because sub is a directory underneath public_html.

Accessing the .htaccess File

The .htaccess file is located in the parent domain's folder. While you can use an FTP or an SSH client to access the file, for this article we will be using the File Manger.

  1. Login to your Bluehost cPanel
  2. Click the 'File Manager', located in the Files section of the cPanel.
  3. Check the box 'Show Hidden Files (dotfiles).'
  4. Right click the .htaccess file and choose 'Edit' or 'Code Edit
  5. For basic HTML sites follow the instructions under Generic mod_rewrite Rule and copy the code into the Editor. If you have a WordPress, Joomla or Drupal site follow the instructions under WordPress/Joomla/Drupal mod_rewrite Rule.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Generic mod_rewrite Rule


If you have a basic HTML site copy the following text into your public_html/.htaccess file.
Note: You should not use this if you have a WordPress, Joomla or Drupal site. Use the instructions under WordPress/Joomla/Drupal mod_rewrite Rule instead.

You will need to replace subdomain with your subdomain and with your domain name.

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Once you have modified this code you may need to clear your browser cache to be able to see the redirect.

WordPress/Joomla/Drupal mod_rewrite Rule

For WordPress, Joomla or Drupal sites copy the following code:

If Just The Subdomain Holds either a WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal Site

If your subdomain holds either a WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal site but the parent domain does not, copy the following code.

Install Free Ssl On Bluehost Vps

You will need to replace subdomain with your subdomain and with your domain name.

If The Parent Domain has WordPress

If both the parent domain and the subdomain have either a WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal site copy the following code into your .htaccess file. This code will replace the WordPress permalink code.

You will need to replace subdomain with your subdomain and with your domain name.

You may need to clear your browser cache for the new rules to work. After that your Wildcard SSL certificate should be working.

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Install Free Ssl On Bluehost Vps Server

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