Installing Free Wordpress On 1and1 Domain

If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading. Install a Theme using WordPress Admin Theme Search. If you’re looking to install a free WordPress theme from the themes directory, then the easiest way is by using the built-in theme search functionality. Click the WordPress icon. In the WordPress installer click “Install.”. Choose the domain name at which you want WordPress. Add a subdirectory if you want if necessary. Leave the subdirectory box blank if installing at the root of your domain name. Unless you know you want them installed, uncheck the plugin boxes. Click on either the account or property drop down menu, and click “create new” at the bottom of the list: Setting your site up is pretty simple: just give your site a name, and type in the new domain name: The final part of activating Google Analytics is to install your tracking code on the next page.

  • Hello Folks,

    I’m trying to do a “manual” install of WordPress on one of my hosted on 1and1, Windows. I’ve followed all of the steps outlined in 1and1 support page and on other sites.

    I’ve tried to do the install twice. The first time I finally got through the installation steps, but when I tried to build a page, WP told me that it didn’t have permissions to write to the database. (I had installed WP in a subdirectory.)

    The second time I got the following message, “Error establishing a database connection” and can’t get past that. This time I installed WP in a directory at the root level of my 1and1 domain space.

    In both cases I pointed the domain name to the appropriate directory.

    I’m at my wits end. And 1and1’s policy is that they won’t support manual installations, even though they have a support page that gives you the instructions to install WP, even including some nice screen shots.

    Please help. The page I’ve linked to above,, contains the config file and a screen shot of the error message.

    Tom Sawyer

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

  • I noticed an extra character in the database username compared to almost the same string in the database name itself. Double check those credentials but…

    You’ve made that public by posting them so you’ll need to change those and the password once you get it working.

Installing free wordpress on 1and1 domain password

1and1 Wordpress Hosting

  • The topic ‘1and1 Install, “Error establishing a database connection” while trying to instal’ is closed to new replies.
  • Trying to install on their shared hosting, and they say I can’t, I have to pay them for each site (up to £35 a year per site).

    I can’t get details of the “Home directory of your server (required)” from the control panel.

    Presumably, I have to create the (non) SSL directory first, which is easy??

    It looks like a great plugin!


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

  • Hi,

    for IONOS shared Hosting SSL-certs will be centralized on the Webshield. The IONOS ControlPanel “Security Solutions” gives you the possibility to setup SSL-certs for your domain. The number of included SSL-certs is related to your Webhosting tariff.


    Hi Steve,

    that plugin would not work on IONOS SharedHosting.


    @stevepett: that plugin would not work as expected. As stated in my first answer, in IONOS the SSL is terminating on another technical layer and even NOT on the Webserver.
    But good news: as IONOS customer, you could buy SSL Unlimited. It costs € 10.
    I would have a screenshot for you, but I could not add that in that discussion.
    You send me a mail to and I would send you the screenshot.


Installing Free Wordpress On 1and1 Domain Hosting

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